Project Selection & Permitting


The NYC Offshore Wind Public Policy Transmission Need Solicitation (NYC PPTN) is a competitive solicitation process to find the more efficient or cost effective electric transmission solution to bring offshore wind into NYC.


  1. NYS Public Service Commission identified the need in June 2023.

  2. NY Independent System Operator (NYISO), state grid operator, will evaluate and select a proposal to meet the need.


Proposed projects must inject at least 4,770 MW of clean offshore wind energy into NYC (enough to power over 4.5 million homes) no later than January 1, 2033.


June 17, 2024: Proposals submitted to the NYISO; click here to read the Energy Link NY news release.

2024 – 2025: NYISO evaluation and selection process; Post-NYISO Selection: Selected project advances to permitting

January 1, 2033: Project is in service

To learn more about the NYISO and the PPTN process, visit

Click here to enlarge and download a fact sheet on NYISO’s role in public policy-driven transmission projects.