Q: What is Energy Link NY?
Energy Link NY are innovative submarine and underground electric transmission solutions designed by New York Transco with the highest safety and engineering standards to effectively deliver offshore wind into NYC. Energy Link NY was developed to accommodate offshore wind projects that will be built in the New York Metropolitan area in coming years. Energy Link NY will provide the new transmission infrastructure needed to carry this clean energy to the homes and businesses in the region.
New York Transco’s solutions are proposed in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) from the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) as part of the state’s Public Policy Transmission Need process (PPTN). The RFP calls for proposals that will deliver a minimum of 4,770 MW of incremental offshore wind generation into New York City (Zone J). Energy Link NY consists of complete end-to-end solutions, comprised of both offshore and onshore components, to accomplish this goal.
Q: Why is this needed?
New York State is working to achieve the clean energy mandates established by its Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), which includes a zero-emissions electric grid by 2040.
To achieve the CLCPA and address climate change, the transmission grid in downstate New York will need to be capable of accepting a significant amount of renewable offshore wind power in the coming years.
The NYS Public Service Commission identified the need for additional transmission infrastructure to support this new injection of offshore wind, which prompted the NYISO competitive process.
The buildout of transmission assets to deliver this new, clean energy will help advance a healthier New York with increased and long-term environmental improvements and protection, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced air quality.
Q: What are the Energy Link NY components and/or route?
New York Transco has proposed several solution sets to the NYISO that will expand and modernize the transmission network in NYC for the delivery of offshore wind resources and meet the NYISO’s criteria in a cost-effective, minimal-impact manner.
The NYISO will undertake a Viability and Sufficiency Assessment to determine which solutions best meet their criteria. This is a confidential process and as such routing details are not publicly available. Once a solution is chosen by the NYISO, a public process will begin, during which there will be many opportunities for community input into the most appropriate routes.
Q: When will the NYISO award the project?
Proposals are due to the NYISO on June 3, 2024. The NYISO will determine which proposals are viable and sufficient to meet the identified public policy need of delivering at least 4,770 MW of incremental offshore wind generation. The draft NYISO schedule indicates a selection will be made in the third quarter of 2025.
Q: What is the process that will lead to a finished project?
- June 22, 2023 - The New York State Public Service Commisison PSC] finds that the the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA)]constitutes a Public Policy Requirement driving the need for transmission improvements to support the injection of offshore wind generation into New York City (NYISO Zone J).
- April 4, 2024 – The NYISO issues New York City Offshore Wind Public Policy Transmission Need (PPTN) solicitation
- June 3, 2024 – Developers submit proposed solutions to NYISO
- June 2024-December 2024 – NYISO conducts Viability & Sufficiency Assessment
- Q3 2025 – NYISO Board Selects the solution that is most cost-effective and/or most efficient
- Selected project advances into Federal, State and local permitting
Q: Can locals or stakeholders have a voice in this selection process?
Energy Link NY incorporates stakeholder feedback gathered by New York Transco during an early consultation process with federal, state and local agencies. We are having ongoing conversations with key stakeholders to share New York Transco’s expertise and experience, to detail the NYISO process, and our commitment to continuing engagement to gather continued feedback and data to help inform our efforts. We value building relationships with stakeholders and will have this as a key focus should our solutions be accepted. We will broaden consultation and public engagement activities to educate communities about the project and solicit feedback throughout the design and permitting phases.
The NYISO selection process is confidential and competitive, but if you have questions, you can contact stakeholder_services@nyiso.com with the subject line “NYC PPTN.”
Q: Will the construction of these transmission projects take place at the same time as construction of the offshore wind projects?
The NYISO Request for Proposals requires transmission projects to enter service no later than January 1, 2033. We do not currently have the construction schedules for the offshore wind projects.
Q: What benefits will host communities see?
In addition to a more reliable, resilient and cleaner electric grid to meet the increasing demand for electricity, communities hosting our project will benefit from the jobs and other economic opportunities created by a major infrastructure project. Further benefits will be explored with the selected project.
Q: Who is New York Transco?
New York Transco is a NY-based, NY-focused owner, operator and developer of bulk transmission assets in NY that bolster the reliability of the system and facilitate the increased use of clean energy. Our mission is to safely and efficiently deliver innovative electric transmission solutions that advance clean energy to best serve customers, communities and the environment.
New York Transco has a strong track record. In fact, the company has been successful in two of three NYISO competitive PPTN processes, recently put in service nearly 70 miles of new transmission lines and several substations on budget and six months ahead of schedule, and has two transmission projects in permitting phases.
New York Transco is owned by affiliates of Con Edison, National Grid, Avangrid, and CH Energy Group, who provide strategic guidance and expertise to the organization.
Q: Does New York Transco have experience/other projects like this?
Yes. We currently own and operate several stations and nearly 120 miles transmission lines in NY. We are a trusted leader in the New York energy industry with a history in project development and management, engineering and design, stakeholder engagement, permitting and regulatory compliance, and operations and maintenance. We are known for innovation, collaboration, agility, and solution-based problem solving.
Q: Will the transmission work be in existing transmission corridors?
We can’t comment on any details of the project routes at this time. We’re following the NYISO process and will share information as they make it publicly available. The project will look to maximize existing corridors, re-use existing public rights-of-way, and co-locate infrastructure where appropriate to minimize impacts.
The NYISO does require all proposals include:
- One or more offshore interconnection point(s);
- Offshore transmission (i.e., submarine cables);
- Sites for cable landing points;
- Onshore transmission path(s) (i.e., terrestrial cables) from cable landing points to points of interconnection (POIs) in Zone J, including sites for converter stations, if necessary; and
- Necessary improvements to and/or expansion of the existing onshore transmission system.
Q: What will this project cost?
We cannot comment on cost at this time.
Q: Who pays for the project?
The NYS Public Service Commission (PSC) order issued on June 22, 2023 stated, “transmission projects selected by the NYISO Board are eligible for cost allocation and recovery under the NYISO’s OATT, which includes a default statewide load ratio share allocation of costs.”
Q: Will the project provide local jobs?
New York Transco has a long history leveraging the skilled NY workforce. As such we’ll look for the best, brightest and most experienced to advance Energy Link NY if selected. We see clean energy and construction jobs as a direct benefit of our solutions.
Q: Will New York Transco work with NY State Union Labor to deliver Energy Link NY?
Yes, we look forward to collaborating with labor unions and other skilled NY workforce entities to ensure Energy Link NY brings the most benefits to New Yorkers.